APOSTLE, DR. ANDREW D. CLARK is requesting that every member of Trinity Outreach Ministries C.O.G.I.C./Holy Trinity Church and Cultural Arts Center will participate in a 21 Day F.P.S. (fasting, prayer, study) Focus for the purpose of spiritual renewal.
The guidelines and a prayer guide are listed below.
• No fried foods and no sweets
• Drink water and 100% natural juices only
STEP 1: Set Your Objective, Answer the question—Why are you fasting?
STEP 2: Make Your Commitment
•What physical or social activities will you consider restricting during your fast?
•How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God's Word?
STEP 3: Prepare Yourself Spiritually
The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance.
STEP 4: Prepare Yourself Physically –
Prepare your body
•Eat smaller meals before starting a fast.
•Avoid high-fat and sugary foods before beginning your fast.
•Eat raw fruit and vegetables for two days before starting a fast.
STEP 5: Put Yourself on a Schedule
STEP 6: End Your Fast Gradually
Take your time reintroducing food into your diet
STEP 7: Expect Results
Day 1: Repentance Scripture: Acts: 3:19-21 NKJV Reflection: Did you know sin is what separates us from God? Do you practice repentance daily? Declaration: I will repent daily for my sins so that I remain close to Him with clean hands and a pure heart.
Day 2: Repentance Scripture: Acts 17:30 MSG Reflection: Ask God to reveal any hidden sin(s) in your life. As they are made known to you, how will you begin to turn away from those things? Declaration: The Lord responds to my repentance with mercy.
Day 3: Repentance Scripture: Proverbs 28:13 NKJV Reflection: It would be a mistake to think that sin could be hidden from God. But the reality is that God knows all and can handle all. With this in
mind, what sins are you hiding or burying? Are you ready to reveal those hidden things and experience the power of God’s healing?Declaration: Today, I confess those things I struggle to say out loud. I will no longer hide anything from God. My relationship with God and others will be built on truth.
Day 4: Repentance Scripture: Psalm 32:3, 5 NLT Reflection: Is pride keeping you from confessing out loud the thing(s) you have done to dishonor God? When was the last time you held yourself accountable for your actions? Have you made confession a daily practice? Declaration: Today, I will confess my sins. I will confess to God and also to those I have offended. I understand that the longer I hold in my wrongs, the worse off I will feel. Therefore, I will release myself from the burden of poor decisions, confess my faults, and receive God’s forgiveness.
Day 5: Reflection Scripture: Lamentation 3:21-24 NKJV Reflection: Have you been anxious or fearful? Take a few moments and think of three times God has shown His faithfulness. What hope can you pull from those examples to help you in your present situation? Declaration: I declare and decree through the Lord’s mercies andfaithfulness, I am strengthened and have hope.
Day 6: Reflection Scripture: John 8:32 NKJV Reflection: Are you a truth seeker? What lies about yourself and others have you accepted as truth that aren't based on God's word? Ask God to reveal the truth of His word to you. Declaration: Today, I stand firm on the truth of God's word. It is my weapon of warfare and my sword.
Day 7: Reflection Scripture: Philippians 4:8 NKJV Reflection: With all that is going on in the world, it is vital to meditate on the things of God; what is right, what is beautiful, and what is good for all mankind. Declaration: In the face of difficult times, I will remain optimistic and keep my faith in God. Day
8: Reflection Scripture: Esther 4:13-14 NLT Reflection: Do you feel disconnected with the dilemmas of other people? Do you find it hard speaking up in times of injustice? Why or why not? What happens if you remain silent? Declaration: Today, I will not allow fear to keep me from doing what is right. I will not hide behind my position as an excuse for being silent. Instead, I will be bold and use my voice to speak up when I see injustice or mistreatment of any kind. I will be an active participant in the change I wish to see.
Day 9: Reconciliation Scripture: Ephesians 2:14-16 NIV Reflection: How do you define reconciliation? Did you know Jesus came to reconcile us back to God? How can you pray for those who hold hostility in their hearts? What leaders who display hostility will you lift up to God today? Declaration: I declare that my heart and the hearts of this nation’sleaders, both political and spiritual, be humbled and reconciled to God.
Day 10: Reconciliation Scripture: Genesis 33:4 NIV Reflection: How do you go about reconciling your own actions before reconciling with the person you have offended? Is there someone in your life that you need to reconcile with? Are you eager to resolve the issues you both have with one another? Why is urgency in the act of reconciliation important? Declaration: Today, I will make intentional efforts to settle unresolved issues I have with others. Because time is precious, I will not put crucial conversations off that need to be had now. I thank God for being reconciled back to Him and the reconciliation I will experience with others.
Day 11: Reconciliation Scripture: Hebrews 12:14 NKJV Reflection: As people of God, we do not desire to repay evil for evil, but it is our duty to fight for peace as Christ did in order to live peaceably and in holiness with everyone.
Declaration: Today, I will make an effort to listen, gain understanding, and speak up so that peace can prevail. I declare that I will let nothing separate me from the love of God. (Romans 8:39)
Day 12: Reconciliation Scripture: Matthew 18:15-17 NIV Reflection: Is there someone you need to confront about an offense? Is there someone seeking forgiveness from you that you are refusing to grant? If so, what is stopping you from forgiving them? Do you seek to understand opposing viewpoints? Are you an active listener? Are you in a healthy space to talk maturely about the situation? Declaration: Today, I will commit to doing the work that invites repentance and leads to reconciliation. I will not avoid confrontation but will embrace it as an opportunity for understanding. I respect myself and my relationships enough to not allow harmful behaviors to go. unchecked. Moreover, I will receive rebuke of my behaviors with love and not defense. I declare a cleansing and a unifying of the people of this land as we pursue reconciliation.
Day 13: Restoration Scripture: Psalms 51:12 NKJV Reflection: Are you feeling down during these current events that are occurring in our country? Do you believe that God is able to restore you and this nation? Declaration: I believe that God will restore my joy and declare that His spirit will be poured out on our community, our nation, and the world.
Day 14: Restoration Scripture: Hosea 6:1 NKJV Reflection: What areas in your life, your family, and your community do you need God to restore? How are you being an agent of restoration in these areas? Declaration: God is restoring every broken area in my life, my family and my community.
Day 15: Restoration Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 NKJV Reflection: In the midst of your trial, life can seem so daunting, but there is renewed strength, focus, and clarity when you trust fully in the Lord. Declaration: Today, I will trust you Lord even in the midst of my brokenness.
Day 16: Restoration Scripture: Joel 2:25-26 ESV Reflection: In moments of turmoil, do you believe God can restore? If so, what do you need God to restore? Who do you need God to restore? Declaration: Today, I will believe the report of the Lord. I speak and expect restoration over myself and others feeling defeated, experiencing grave loss, and being crushed by injustice. We will not be put to shame! The Lord will help us, and we will be restored!
Day 17: Revival Scripture: Psalm 22:27 Reflection: What does revival mean to you? What does it look like in your life? What does it look like for America to turn back to God? Declaration: I declare the spirit of revival is alive in my heart and in the people of this nation. The Holy Spirit of God dwells in us. We will allow God to do reviving work in us in order for us to do reviving work in the world.
Day 18: Revival Scripture: Psalm 85:6 NKJV Reflection: What kind of revival do you need from God? What specific things do you hope for God to revitalize in yourself? In your family? Finances? Ministry? Community? Declaration: I declare that I will be revived in You, families will be renewed by You, finances will flourish by You, ministries will be awaken with You, and communities will recover because of You.
Day 19: Revival Scripture: Zechariah 4:6 Reflection: What do you feel you need in order to create change? The Spirit aids and empowers us to be effective change in the world. What is God equipping you to change? Declaration: Today, I declare I am a change agent for good. I have everything I need in order to bring life-giving transformation to my family and community. Because I am full of God’s transformative Spirit, I will do greater works and fulfill my God-given purpose and destiny.
Day 20: Revival Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1- 4 NIV Reflection: Do you feel like you are facing a hopeless situation? Do you believe something great can come out of it? What actions are you taking to show your belief? Declaration: Today, I will the declare the dry bones of justice, unity, and love to live! There is nothing too hard for God and with Him all things are possible. I will have hope and not despair, express faith and not fear, and believe that abundant life can flourish even in the midst of difficult conditions.
Day 21: Revival Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2 NIV Reflection: In what ways has God delivered His people before in Scripture? What liberating actions do you desire God to do for us in our present day? Declaration: Today, I declare physical, emotional, and spiritual liberation over this nation. I know that if you did it before for the children of Israel, the Jews in Esther, and the Hebrew boys in the lion’s den, I am confident you can do it for us. We will see a victory!